4Kids Tree house- a fun place for kids and parents. Things you will find include - movies, cartoons, space, places, and animals
ALFY - ALFY describes itself as a Web portal for kids. The idea is to encourage children ages 3-10 to explore the Web by clicking
on pictures instead of words. And it comes with a big assortment of online games
the @rt room - bring your crayons, construction paper and glue
Aurthor Corner, The - a place for students in the middle grades (Grades 3-8) to meet Mid-Atlantic authors and illustrators of children's books
U.S. Constitution, how laws are made, the branches of government, and citizenship
Bonus - the Super Site for Kids
Children's Express - "Children's Express is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated, Emmy Award-winning international youth news
service produced by kids and teens 8-18 for adult print, radio, TV and online media. Stories cover serious issues such as youth violence,
homelessness, politics, teen pregnancy and race relations."
than 600 children's software producers. A directory of the forty most prominent children's software companies as well as links to other
online review sources are also provided. The site is maintained by a software reviewer and two educators with
assistance from various test families and school children
Colouring - Select a picture, choose your colour from the Crayon box, click the area of the picture, and--voila--you've
coloured that area perfectly, without a stray mark. And when you're finished, you can e-mail your creation to anyone on the Internet.
pointing to information on wildlife species, wildflowers, butterflies, and geology
Dinosauria Online - reference information, drawings, articles, maps and links to other sites about dinosaurs
Dr. Seuss's Seussvile! - "The Cat in the Hat, Sam-I-Am,Horton and the Whos, and the rest of the Seuss characters welcome you to Seussville,
Dr. Seuss's playground in cyberspace. You can play games, chat with the Cat in the Hat, win prizes, find out about new Dr. Seuss books and CD-ROMs,
and much, much more! What are you waiting for? Let's play!"
EREN - Kid's Stuff - Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network page for kids
Gus'Town- hosted by Gus and the CyberBuds. The site is chock full of fun learning activities, games and the ever-popular CyberBud Club
Ingenius - children-focused multimedia company
Kid's Alamnac - Yahoo! has rendered a more kid user-friendly version of the popular Information Please Kids' Almanac
Kid Pub - A searchable collection of "more than 36,000 stories [and poems] written by kids from all over the planet!"
Also offered is a way for kids to get e-mail pen pals from many places around the world
Kids' Jokes - Kids love jokes and kids will have fun with this site that's full of all types of jokes sent in by other kids.
The jokes are arranged by its subject: bugs, animals, food, scary, winter, knock knocks, and jokes about everything
Kids Domain - promises to provide a safe-surfing experience that's fun not only for children but for adults. A wide variety of
free software programs to download, along with online games and crafts
Kid Info - starting point which allows students, teachers, and parents to spend quality time on the web
KidsCom - A Communication Playground for Kids Ages 8 - 14
Kids' Money - A resource for parents interested in helping their children develop successful money management habits and financial responsibility
Kids' Places - Safe kids places on the web, for kids of all ages. Chocolates, sports, dinosaurs, animals, magazines, Space, Art and more!
Kid world - A meeting place for all kids under 16, where they can exchange artwork, writing, and ideas
Little Explorers - a website that lets pre-schoolers and elementary school students surf the web easily. Children use
a picture dictionary format to link to over 400 carefully chosen, fun educational activities
NASA Kids - Designed for students from Kindergarten to 8th grade, this site has sections on Space and Beyond; Rockets and Airplanes;
Projects and Games; and Pioneers and Astronauts. Loads of child-friendly information on a myriad of scientific and technical subjects, such as
space, space suits, living in space, sundials, weather, the water cycle, careers, and astronomy
Planet Oasis - designed for ages 8-15. 3D city with clickable images pointing to some of the best sites on the web
Re-act - The Magazine Where Teens Make News
Story Plus is an Online Children's Publisher with a Vision
Young Biz - presents business, investing and entrepreneurial ideas toyoung people. With features for teachers as well as
students, the site includes portfolios, profiles of young entrepreneurs, message boards and more