Dull Men's Club - "What are the three most exciting things you have ever done? (It's okay if you list less that three.)" That's merely
the first part of a checklist to see whether you qualify for the not-very-exclusive Dull Men's Club.
a national research and education program that is examining the future of fatherhood and developing ways to support men's involvement in childrearing.
Father's World - A virtual community for men who value fathering and their families
Guy Rules - searchable database of unspoken rules that govern men's behavior
Men's Defense Association - provides referrals to local attorneys and similar organizations nationwide. Publishes newsletter and literature
for men facing gender discrimination.
Men's Health Network - Formed to deal with the crisis in men's health issues and their impact on men and society premature death, disability,
economic crisis for surviving family members, etc.
Promise Keepers - "Promise Keepers is a Christ-Centered Ministry Dedicated to Uniting Men Through Vital Relationships to Become Godly
Influences in Their World"
bibliographies and Web resources.
shapes and constricts men's lives.
of interest to the men's movements.